Long exposure image of a person looking at the video walls filled with animated butterflies at the teamLab: Continuity exhibit (Asian Art Museum, 2022).


After years and years of having a fragmented presence on the internet, I decided to create my own cozy spot, gather all my links here, and post more long-form stuff. It's super easy to throw a post on social media to share interesting links, or a random thought I'm having, but sometimes I like to entertain my verbose side and don't want to break my train of thought up into chunks that fit character limits (though on mastodon.social, the limit is pretty generous).

Anyway, I'll still be out there on the internets, mainly on Mastodon, but I'll do my best to keep this place up to date with the latest links and blog posts. Some grand plans popped up in my head to build out this site, but things don't always go as I planned, so let's take this a step at a time. ✌️

Cheryl Lindo Jones, May 2023