30 Days, 30 Inks: Day 1

Background and Set Up

Yesterday I decided sort of on a whim to try doing the 30 days, 30 inks (or 30 inks, 30 days) challenge for this month. I picked a theme of “dusky” inks since that was a big theme for me the past few months that surprised me. I used to be super into shimmer inks and only wanted to ink up with them. But a couple non-shimmer inks that also happened to have dusky colors really appealed to me, so I shifted my preferences.

I don’t actually have 30 dusky inks, so either I’ll buy some more ink samples, or I’ll switch to random favorite inks for the rest of the month. I’ll see. (Not like you gotta twist my arm to buy more ink/samples!)

I also decided to transcribe quotes and/or snippets in a book called Steal Like an Artist, by Austin Kleon, since I had started rereading it recently. I highly recommend seeking out his books and adding them to your collection. They have great inspiring advice.

I’ll be writing the passages in a passport-sized Traveler’s Notebook, lightweight paper insert.

One last logistical note: I’m not going to ink up 30 different pens. If I have some pens already filled with the ink of the day, I’ll use them. Otherwise, I’ll dip my Leonardo Momento Zero in Galaxy Prime since it has a Kaigelu long blade nib that I like using.

Day 1

My first pick is a Robert Oster ink, Muddy Crown. It’s a lovely purple with gold sheen visible in heavy applications. It somewhat reminds me of a Sailor Yurameku ink called Date Gokoro.

“Everything that needs to be said has already been said. But, since no one was listening, everything must be said again.”

- André Gide

This is a great quote to remember if you are wondering if you should write something you’ve been wanting to write. Do it! You have different life experiences that can bring specific depth to whatever you write. As Austin Kleon says later on, it’s better to embrace influence instead of worrying about creating something completely from scratch.

Well, that’s it for now. I’m sure my subsequent posts will be much shorter. Hopefully you’ll be seeing these posts every day this month.

Cheryl Lindo Jones

Photographer, sometimes oversharer. Novelty + technology = early adopter (usually). I also love cats, art, sci fi, and cute things. 


30 Days, 30 Inks: Day 2


SF Pen Show 2023 - Loooong Story Time