Picture a Day: Feb 17

New pen day! I got a Monteverde Special Edition Ritma Espresso with an omniflex nib from Goulet Pens, something I bought myself partially as consolation that I’m not at the California Pen Show right now. ☹️

I don’t know what happened, but I am recently a fan of brown pens…well, metallic or sparkly brown pens, since I got and love my BENU Euphoria Iced Caramel Latte and Lamy Lx Marron. This brown is more of a warmer, milk chocolate color, but I still think it fits the theme. And along with brown pens, I’m warming up to brownish and greenish-brown inks, like Troublemaker Kelp Tea. I also got my order of ink samples from Vanness today which I will quickly share scans of a little later.

Shoot, my review backlog is growing… 😅😅

Cheryl Lindo Jones

Photographer, sometimes oversharer. Novelty + technology = early adopter (usually). I also love cats, art, sci fi, and cute things. 


Picture(s) a Day: Feb 18


Picture a Day: Feb 16