Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 18

The Ink

Day 18: Blizzard - Shimmer

Blizzard is a blue-gray with silvery or bluish shimmer. I accidentally saw an IG post for Blizzard a couple hours before it was time for me to check Inkvent myself (I usually do it around midnight), so I was annoyed that I was partially spoiled on the name and saw the bottle label before I shut down the app. My brain made some assumptions about what the color would be and I was tentatively disappointed, as I thought it might be too similar to Glacier from day 11. I was glad my assumptions were incorrect.

Keep in mind that when I take a picture to capture the shimmer of an ink, it won’t necessarily depict the base color accurately, thanks to white balance and other factors. Here, the blue looks maybe too bright, more similar to Glacier than in reality.

The scans sort of bring out some slight pink undertones that aren’t as readily visible when you’re looking at the swatch in natural lighting, but IIRC, Garry Eves on YT saw some pink tones in the chromatography. In the no-shimmer swatch and writing sample, the blue-gray base color is more apparent, vs. the regular swatch.

As I mentioned, I was initially pre-disappointed, thinking Blizzard would be too similar to Glacier below, but comparing the two, Glacier is a much brighter aqua blue than a blue-gray. I prefer Blizzard between the two.

I thought that since the ink is a blue-gray, one of my favorite shades of ink, I would have several inks that would be a close match, but I don’t, surprisingly.

I remembered I have a new sample of Robert Oster Chicago, which is somewhat similar, but perhaps heavier on the pink tones. RO Chicago kind of reminds me of Troublemaker Milky Ocean or Abalone, which are less on the gray side, IIRC.

Here’s Herbin Vert de Gris, which literally translated is “green-gray”. It definitely leans more green, but seeing the swatches side-by-side, they’re closer than I thought.

Finally, I thought that Vinta Kislap, while much lighter and transparent, with stronger pink tones, has some similarity to Blizzard in the dark edges of the swatch.

The Quote

Today’s quote is from The Office, “Moroccan Christmas”.

Phyllis: This is the first Christmas party I am throwing as head of the party planning committee. The theme is “Nights in Morocco”. This isn’t your grandmother’s Christmas party. Unless, of course, she’s from Morocco, in which case, it’s very accurate.

The shading in this writing sample is pronounced from my dip pen, but I anticipate less dramatic shading when coming out of a fountain pen.

Also, I had very little space left on the page in my standard Traveler’s Notebook insert I’m using, so I was kind of anxious about fitting everything in. 😅

Cheryl Lindo Jones

Photographer, sometimes oversharer. Novelty + technology = early adopter (usually). I also love cats, art, sci fi, and cute things. 


Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 19


Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 17