Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 2

The Ink

Day 2: Cashmere Rose - Standard

Last year I would’ve been disappointed the ink wasn’t another shimmer, but as you may know, my tastes have changed, and I’m cool with standard inks, especially if they’re dusky colors. This is a dusky rose (obv), which is not usually my preference (I don’t like pinks in general), but this one looks alright, thanks to its darker tone and shading properties.

I thought perhaps that it was like Private Reserve Arabian Rose, which would’ve been nice because my ink sample for that color is almost gone. However, as you can see Arabian Rose is darker and more purple-y/violet, which is what I prefer (yet another reminder for me to buy a bottle of this stuff!). I might like Cashmere Rose in the spring more. Right now, it doesn’t feel like it matches the colder weather to me.

The Quote

We just watched While You Were Sleeping last night as part of Christmas movie season, so I thought a cute quote from it would be appropriate.

Lucy: Okay. How did I lean when I leaned?

Jack: How were you leaning?

Lucy: Yeah.

Jack: It was a lot different than hugging. Hugging’s very different. Hugging, that involves arms and hands, and leaning is whole bodies moving in like this. Leaning involves wanting and accepting, leaning.

Joe Jr.: Hey, Luce. Is this guy bothering you?

Lucy: No, no.

Joe Jr.: Are you sure? Because it looks like he’s leaning.

Jack: Thank you. See?

Again, it’s way better seeing this scene in the movie, especially Joe Jr.’s gesture as he says “leaning”. 😄 If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend seeking it out.

Tomorrow I’ll have to post a short video showing the inks in the stand, now that the #3 slot is not visible. 😅

As a reminder, the 3D print files for this tree are posted on Cults3D, so if you want to print one for yourself or someone else, you can download them there for only $5!

Cheryl Lindo Jones

Photographer, sometimes oversharer. Novelty + technology = early adopter (usually). I also love cats, art, sci fi, and cute things. 


Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 3


Diamine Inkvent 2023, Day 1